I'm so thrilled to finally be back! For the past few months each time I started using my crafting tools my wrist would take a turn for the worse. I truly hope it is healed once and for all. I'm back in my craft room, joyfully whiling away the hours on whatever inspires me at the moment.
Lately my crafty thoughts have been filled with the flutter of fairy wings and lush, secret gardens (my Irish heritage peeking through again!) This fairy garden shadow box I created for my grand-girl is a glimpse of what has been going on in my mind's eye. Now my granddaughter will have a little something from me to inspire her own magical dreams. I also entered this in The Shabby Tea Room's weekly challenge. It's my first time doing something like this and I am having a lot of fun with it! If you have any questions about the products I used just leave a message and I'll be happy to answer them.
Much has happened during my little break. Our youngest graduated high school and we moved him to college 4.5 hours away from home. He's happy and had a smooth transition to college life. We are officially empty nesters. I was filled with dread over this and shed many a tear in anticipation of my 'baby' leaving home. So far it is not quite as horrible as I anticipated. I miss him. My heart aches when I walk past his room and he's not in it. But I can happily report my life did not completely end when our last child went off to college. A week ago we attended parent weekend and sat in Death Valley for our very first Clemson football game (Go Tigers!)
We had an amazing time! I even had my toenails painted orange with tiger paws. I intend to be the best college parent I can possibly be!
I had my sweet grand-girl over for a slumber party last night. We spent the evening playing Littlest Pet Shop and watching Despicable Me. My little angel is an early riser so at 6:45 this morning we started our day with pancakes. These tender, fluffy, scrumptious pancakes are so easy to whip up that I never use a box mix anymore. If you'd like to make these for your family just click here for the link to the recipe.

Thank you for stopping by and spending time with me today!! Your comments and support mean so very much to me! Hugs!!