Friday, July 30, 2010

This is a project I recently listed on ebay. It's an Alice in Wonderland library pocket and tag grouping. I used Rackham images and handcrafted embellishments. I always have fun with 'Alice' projects. I love all things mysterious and whimsical!

Hi to all! This is my very first blog post ever in my life!!! My kids are never going to believe this. As soon as I finish I'm calling to tell them about it! Yes, I have a reputation for being technologically challenged, but I'm working on it (baby steps:-)) The photo above is a vintage tag I recently created. I love making tags and mini albums. I like to add a lot of dimension to my projects, and of course almost everything I do is prim or vintage. So I have successfully added my first photo to my blog. I tried adding music to my blog (about 10 times) with all attempts ending in failure. All advice in this area is appreciated.